
£ 10.00 each

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This wonderful CD took its inspiration (and running order) from the marvellous Billy Holiday recording Lady in Satin.

This suberbly engineered CD recreates the Rudy van Gelder sessions and it's a regular feature on Jazz FM's Dinner Jazz.

Bobby Wellins (tenor sax), Colin Purbrook (piano), Dave Green (bass) and Clark Tracey (drums).

"A masterful display of controlled sensitivity from one of the most original voices in European jazz." The Sunday Times

"It is a tribute to Wellins and his band that they pull this off so brilliantly. Wellins tone and phrasing have always dripped with raw emotion. Note his playing on Stan Tracey's Under Milkwood - he is clearly playing to his stregths here. This is a saxophonist who is recognised amongst his peers as a brilliant player and interpreter of songs; he deserves a wider recognition as a national musical treasure. There is ample evidence for this on this album alone." Customer review

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