Sweet Surprise

Sweet Surprise
£ 10.00 each

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The debut CD of singer Trudy Kerr.

This is an eclectic mix of tunes displaying Trudy's musical style at that early stage of her career. It includes standards such as Takin a Chance on Love, the title track is a beautiful Blossom Dearie tune and a track from Aussie rock great John Farnham.

The band on this outing are Phil Peskett (piano), Andy Hamill (bass), Mark Fletcher (drums) and Dave O'Higgins (sax).

"Trudy Kerr is outstanding – imaginative but respectful to the original song, with excellent phrasing and diction and a smile in her voice." Dave Gelly, The Observer, December 1997.

"Her voice is strong, persuasive and peppy, particularly on the bluesier material. Those who have enjoyed her sparky performances at Ronnie Scott's and elsewhere will find much to enjoy here." Chris Parker, Jazzwize Magazine, October 1997.

"A very good debut album by a young, London-based Australian singer. She has a mature sound and a knowing way with a lyric. Her choice of material is always interesting blending standards with good quality contemporary songs and bringing to them all originality of thought and interpretation. She has a fine, understated sense of swing and where she does take a few liberties with melodic lines it is always with taste and flair. I have no hesitation in recommending this album and also urge readers to keep an eye and ear out for this young singer whose future must be extremely promising." Bruce Crowther, Jazz Journal, December 1997.

"Sweet Surprise is just one of a number of fine vocal collections. This is a collection of superior songs which really suit Trudy's warm, soft-edged voice, and an excellent band too." Peter Martin, Jazz UK, December 1997

"…the result is an album of a dozen superb performances of very varied material. She seems to handle any kind of song with conviction, even at the two extremes of jazz singing – the subtle, tender self-communing of Billie Holiday, or the earthy declamatory style of soul or gospel singers such as Aretha Franklin. The title track by Blossum Dearie and Jim Council, Kerr delivers with sweet intimacy and urgency, breathing life into the tricky lyrics. Yet the very next piece, 'I've Got To Be Me', is a witty soul song given a raunchy, passionate treatment with all the vocal inflections of that tradition. Kerr's diction is excellent and cleverly varied to suit her material, and her trio are superlative accompanists." Ian Carr, BBC Music Magazine, January 1998.